Here’s a window into how my brain works. I just re-read one of my many, many journal entries/random writings, and it’s amazing how applicable my ‘feels’ are still today. I present to you:

The Feels of August 18, 2017

So, it’s 12:20 in the morning, and I’m awake, jamming to music and feeling pretty awake slash stoked on life for no apparent reason per say, but just in general slightly amped on coffee while also slightly falling asleep at other moments!

It’s time to write again! I know I keep saying that in these random, crazy journal/feels entries. It’s interesting to see how the feels seem to hit around August! I’ve got the feels from August last year, and then here’s the start and potentially the end of this years since I don’t seem to actually follow through with many of my writing thoughts and ideas. Golly, how does a person actually develop and follow through with their random dreams and inspirations that feel so brilliant in the moment, but then don’t seem to lift off. How does one find and get on that road to dream realization?

Hitting the Road

I don’t know, but let’s think about things that I’m passionate about (if you’re in a similar boat, I recommend doing the same!):

  • Music
    • I freaking love music; I thoroughly love listening to all kinds of music. I am soooo incredibly grateful that God has allowed me to have a job where I can spend at least 75 percent of my day listening to music! Really, it’s closer to 90 percent because there are very few activities that I do without music: I cook with music, clean with music (bad example, I rarely clean), write with music, read with music, chill with music, think with music, pray with music, hike with music, rethink with music, sit with music, I even used to sleep with music!
    • I wonder if there’s anymore that I should be doing with music or if it’s just this enjoyable gift that I get to enjoy as a side to my main dish of activities. I definitely don’t see myself suddenly taking up playing a musical instrument and/or singing, so that rules out music stardom. But, maybe I should be doing more writing related to music. I’ll have to stew on that. I really wanted to think of some musical word to use as a semi-pun instead of stew, but I couldn’t think of anything.
    • I really like finding new music, too, so maybe I should start highlighting new music on my blog or something. Hmmm, pondersome (a new word- Pondersome: something worth pondering).

‘Pondersome’: being worthy of pondering. Use in a sentence: Potentially starting a blog about music is a pondersome idea. It’s now officially a word.

  • Writing
    • Well, for some reason I do really enjoy writing for the most part. Especially free-flowing stream of consciousness. I wish I would start doing something more productive with my love for writing, like with my own projects, not just the writing for work writing. Maybe I’ll actually get on that soon. I’ve got to identify a passion, applicable set of passions, that I can write on regularly and easily. I’ve got to start making it simpler. Simplify. KISS- Keep It Simple… Silly. Let’s use that instead because I don’t want to call myself stupid, or anyone else for that matter.
  • Outdoors
    • Yesssssss. Now here’s something that I am FOR SURE passionate about. Freak didly freak do I love the outdoors!

Stick me outside in the fresh air with a trail to wander along and I’m floating in hiker heaven, #blessed, my friends, #blessed.

  • Reading
    • I actually am a pretty big fan of reading. I don’t really make time for it as much as I should, but I do enjoy a good book. And, I REALLY enjoy a good Christian book that dives into the human relationship with God. I love reading other people’s perspectives and wisdom concerning our relationship with our Creator. Big fan of all that for sure.
  • Random idea:
    • I spend my days writing and editing professionally. Correct punctuation and professional language with little-to-no bias makes up a huge percentage of my daily activities. So, why not have a place where I can just put out there what I’m thinking whether it actually works grammatically or not? Granted, I’m not down to mess with the essentials, that’s all. Think about it.
  • Volleyball
    • Yup, it’s fun.
LCCC Volleyball Team
LCCC Volleyball Team … All the feels!

And, there you have it, friends: my brain. I read a couple of my other Feels documents: Feels of July 19, 2017; Feels of October 4, 2016; and the beloved original, Feels of August 7, 2015; maybe I’ll share these in time. I suppose I’ll close out with the random final sentence of my August 17 Feels: “You know what I want for my birthday? $11.99 for a domain. I really enjoy buying domains.”

That’s all folks! Welcome to my brain. 🙂